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Author: Sheldon Lewis Publisher: Gefen Publishing House
Price: $24.95 Special Price: $22.50 Format: Hard Cover ISBN 10: 9652295418 ISBN 13: 9789652295415 Catalog Number: 9789652295415 Number of Pages: 256
Reviews: Thanks to this moving and passionate collection, one may now read the Five Books of Moses in the light not only of the surprising and persistent voices of our tradition who see peace in verse after verse of Torah, but accompanied by the inspiring presence of a passionate guide and teacher. This anthology promises many hours of satisfying study and contemplation individually, in adult study, in the classrooms of our synagogues and temples, and on college campuses. Dr. Adriane Leveen Senior Lecturer, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion.
Rabbi Lewis applies his vast knowledge of sacred Jewish texts, his keen and poetic exegetical sense, and his exquisite rhetorical skill to illuminate Jewish tradition’s teachings on peacemaking. Rabbi Lewis began this project as a labor of love and faith in the days following September 11, providing comfort for his congregants and for himself from Jewish tradition’s rich sources on the value of peace.
This book not only informs the reader desiring to learn about one religion’s perspectives on peace but demonstrates the role that religious texts and religious leaders can play toward healing of the world. I can think of no more crucial message for our world, nor a more beautiful conveyor of this message than this precious book. Rabbi Amy Eilberg Jay Phillips Center for Interfaith Learning, St. Paul
Rabbi Sheldon Lewis has written a brilliant and accessible volume that will be a valued asset to rabbis, clergy, and imams worldwide. In addition to serving as an individual study guide for religious professionals, this book will be a worthy addition to conversations between religious leaders and within intentional interreligious dialogue groups. The exhaustive and carefully researched text [is] captivating, easy to read and absorb, inspirational, and complementary at all levels to progressive Christians who are devoted to reconciliation, peace, and security of the world. I commend this text to my colleagues in the ministry and in the rabbinate. Douglas K. Huneke author,The Moses of Rovno and The Stones Will Cry Out: Pastoral and Lliturgical Resources on the Shoa; Senior Minister Emeritus, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Tiburon, California You may also like:
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