Hyekom meaver lofek Conversations With Prof Haim Eshed Authors: Haim Eshed Hagar Yanay Price: $36.00 Special Price: $32.00 Format: Paperback ISBN 13: 9789652012432 Catalog Number: HEB NF Number of Pages: 232 Year Published: 11/2020
Description: An Israeli former space security chief has claimed humanity has actually been in touch with aliens for years, but says it's never been made public knowledge because 'humanity isn't ready'.
Haim Eshed, who is a professor and former general, claims Israel and the United States have been dealing with an alien organisation known as the 'Galactic Federation' for ages.
Speaking to Yediot Aharonot, Eshed - who was in charge of Israel's space security programme for nearly 30 years, and has received Israel's Security Award on three occasions - confirmed that earthlings have been making agreements with the aliens for understanding and researching the 'fabric of the universe'.
Oh, and there is a secret underground base on Mars, staffed by American and alien representatives.
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