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Kosher Jesus
Jesus, before he was stripped of his Jewishness!
Kosher Jesus

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Author: Shmuley Boteach
Publisher: Gefen Publishing House

Price: $26.00 
Special Price: $18.95
Format: Hard Cover
ISBN 10: 9652295787
ISBN 13: 9789652295781
Catalog Number: 9789652295781
Number of Pages: 424
Year Published: 2012

Kosher Jesus is a project of more than six years research and writing. The book seeks to offer to Jews and Christians the real story of Jesus, a wholly observant, Pharisaic Rabbi who fought Roman paganism and oppression and was killed for it. While many Christians will be confused by its assertion that Jesus never claimed divinity and not only did not abrogate the Torah but observed every letter of the Law, they will find comfort in my tracing most of Jesus’ principal teachings back to Jewish sources, this before he was stripped of his Jewishness by later writers who sought to portray him as an enemy of his people.

This is especially true of Jesus’ most famous oration, the Sermon on the Mount, which is a reformulation of the Torah he studied and to which he was committed. A small sampling:

Jesus: (Matt 5:5) Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

Hebrew Bible: (Psalms 37) The meek shall inherit the earth, and delight themselves in the abundance of peace.

Jesus: (Matt 5:8) Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see G-d.

Hebrew Bible: (Psalms 24) Who shall ascend the mount of the Lord – the pure-hearted.

Jesus: (Matt 5:39) But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.

Hebrew Bible: (Lamentations 3:30) Let him offer his cheek to him who smites him….

Jesus: (Matt 6:33) But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well.

Hebrew Bible: (Psalms 37:4) Delight yourself in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart.

Jesus: (Matt 7:7) Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.

Hebrew Bible: (Jer 29:13) When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart.

Jesus: (Matt 7:23) Then I will declare to them, “I never knew you; go away from me, you evildoers.”

Hebrew Bible: (Psalms 6:9) Depart from me, all you workers of evil…

The book is also for Jews who remain deeply uncomfortable with Jesus because of the Church’s long history of anti-Semitism, the deification of Jesus, and the Jewish rejection of any Messiah who has not fulfilled the Messianic prophecies. We Jews will forever reject the divinity of any man, the single most emphatic prohibition of our Bible. And we can never accept the Messiahship of any personality, however noble or well-intended, who died without ushering in the age of physical redemption. But as Christians and Jews now come together to love and support the majestic and humane Jewish state, it’s time that Christians rediscover the deep Jewishness and religious Jewish commitment of Jesus, while Jews reexamine a lost son who was murdered by a brutal Roman state who sought to impose Roman culture and rule upon a tiny yet stubborn nation who will never be severed from their eternal covenant with the G-d of Israel.
For years I've been asking my friend Shmuley to write this book. Kosher Jesus is one of his most important, thought-provoking, and stimulating books. I celebrate this book and its potential to provoke dialog and elevate our high ideals of unity and understanding.
Cory A. Booker
Mayor of Newark

Shmuley Boteach’s answer to Jews For Jesus is to write a book that might well have been entitled “Jesus For Jews. Always controversial, Shmuley’s new book will stimulate debate among Jews, between Christians and Jews and by all people who care about ultimate issues of faith. Written with Shmuley’s usual candor, humor and accessibility, Kosher Jesus is sure to change and open minds. What more can you ask of a book.
Alan Dershowitz
author of Trials of Zion

Talking openly and honestly about Jesus and how others view him can only bring people together. This book is a must-read for anyone willing to venture slightly out of their comfort zone in their journey toward real understanding and peace.
Glenn Beck
#1 New York Times bestselling author and founder of

In this, the bravest of his nearly two-dozen books, Shmuley Boteach gives us a new account of Jesus that is aimed at Jews and Christians alike. Although readers of all faiths may find things to disagree with, one can only admire Boteach's aspiration to deepen mutual understanding without compromising on basic beliefs and commitments.
Noah Feldman
Bemis Professor of Law Harvard Law School

Even when a good man like Shmuley doesn’t see Jesus as the divine Messiah of Israel, he is investigating, and really wanting to know. I think that’s where we all should be.
Pat Boone

Shmuley beautifully tells us why, once we fathom the true Jewishness of Jesus as opposed to the strictly Christian narrative we have heard, we should understand him in a new light.
Alan Colmes
Fox News Radio

This courageous and thought provoking book is a breath of fresh air and major contribution to Jewish and Christian perceptions of Jesus. I hope it’s read widely and changes attitudes in both communities.
Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein
President and CEO International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

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