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Echoes of Eden - Sefer Bereishit
Echoes of Eden - Sefer Bereishit

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Insights into the weekly Torah parshiot
Author: Ari D. Kahn
Publisher: Gefen Publishing House

Price: $29.95 
Special Price: $24.95
Format: Hard Cover
ISBN 10: 9652294993
ISBN 13: 9789652294999
Catalog Number: 9789652294999
Number of Pages: 400
Year Published: 2011

What was the pre-sin world like, and what is the way of return? How could God have demanded that Avraham sacrifice his son? Why would Yaakov favor Yosef when he saw the jealousy it created? Drawing upon the vast reservoir of rabbinic literature – from Talmud to Midrash, from Zohar to the hasidic masters – Rabbi Ari Kahn combines the mystical explorations of kabbalah and hasidism with a highly intellectual and broad-minded approach to Torah study. Plumbing the depths of Jewish sources, Rabbi Kahn provides fascinating answers to age-old questions, infusing the parshah with fresh significance. Through provoking questions and intriguing insights, Rabbi Kahn continually inspires us to seek the Godly in our lives.

Rabbi Ari Kahn … has proven himself to be both a profound thinker and gifted communicator. These combined talents have made him uniquely successful in communicating the depth and relevance of Torah to thousands of Jews from all over the world.
Rabbi Noah Weinberg

…fuses information, interpretation and insight.
Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein

My friend and colleague Rabbi Ari Kahn is gifted with the natural ability to extract-combine-create Torah that provokes mind and heart to reach new levels of awe and appreciation of the beauty of the intertwining of the totality of Torah with itself. May the author continue to inspire us all with his beautiful creative works of Torah.
Rabbi Yitzchak Berkovitz

...brilliantly, and with integrity. It also captivates the reader-learner. It focuses the teachings of the Midrash masterfully on a wide range of the existential-intellectual dilemmas of our time.
Rabbi Nachman Bulman

I found Rabbi Kahn’s essays interesting and exciting – gourmet food for thought…
Rabbi Zev Leff

I am certain that his writings will have a major impact on all readers, for they are full of innovative ideas which strengthen Torah and faith.
Rabbi Yitzchak Dovid Grossman

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