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Peacemaking in the Olso Process. Thirty Years and Counting Authors: Ari Afilalo Gidi Grinstein Price: $29.95 Special Price: $26.00 Format: Hard Cover ISBN 10: 9657801486 ISBN 13: 9789657801482 Catalog Number: 7801-48 Number of Pages: 412 Year Published: 2023
Description: Gidi Grinstein was the youngest delegate at the Camp David summit in July 2000 with the participation of President Clinton, Prime Minister Barak, and Chairman Arafat. Serving as secretary of the Israeli delegation and assistant chief negotiator, Gidi wore many hats for the Israeli team, including note taker, writer of policy papers, co-drafter of agreements, junior negotiator, and sometimes just a “fly on the wall.” He was a witness – in person or through the reports of his bosses and colleagues – to almost every development during that historic period. While many of the stories in this book are personal and took place in 1995-2001 – primarily during the tenures of Barak and Clinton – they also illuminate systemic issues and highlight topics that recurred under prime ministers Ariel Sharon, Ehud Olmert and Binyamin Netanyahu, and US presidents George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Donald Trump.
“expands our understanding of the Two-State Solution … highlights its critical importance for the Jewish People.” Ronald S. Lauder, President of World Jewish Congress
“…a must-read for understanding Israeli-Palestinian Permanent Status…” Ehud Barak, Prime Minister of Israel, 1999-2001
“Any future Israeli leader will have to read this book.” Ehud Olmert, Prime Minister of Israel, 2006-2009
“… single best book on understanding the issues … illuminating new dimensions … essential for future US peace intervention.” Amb. Dennis Ross, former Special Middle East Coordinator
“…crucial in comprehending the complexities of a Two-State Solution. Gidi is one of the most esteemed thinkers in our field…” Noa Tishby, Former Special Envoy for Combating Antisemitism
“…audacious claim that the Oslo Process may bear the seeds of peace.” Daniel Gordis, Author of “Impossible Takes Longer”
“…surprised to learn the extent to which our analysis and policies converged on multiple topics...” The Honorable Jason D. Greenblatt, former White House Envoy to the Middle East
“…a fair representation of the Palestinian perspective … essential read for anyone interested in advancing peace…” Ghaith Al-Omari, Advisor to the Palestinian Delegation (1999-2005)
“…a fair and lively piece of history. Eloquent and thoughtful.” Prof. Shlomo Ben-Ami, Israel Minister of Foreign Affairs (2000-2001)
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