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The Lies They Tell
The Lies They Tell

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A Journey through America
Authors: Tuvia Tenenbom
Shay Charka (Cartoonist)
Publisher: Gefen Publishing House

Price: $19.95 
Special Price: $12.00
Format: Paperback
ISBN 10: 9652299111
ISBN 13: 9789652299116
Catalog Number: g911a / 911-6
Number of Pages: 370
Year Published: 2017

The USA is the world’s empire and its actions will influence us all for generations to come. But who are the Americans, the people who make up America?
Tuvia Tenenbom travels through America to find out. His wanderings take him across regional frontiers, partisan lines, and socioeconomic boundaries in a fearless quest for the flesh-and-blood American. He visits black ghettos and white gated communities, megachurches and Indian reservations. He schmoozes with robbers who teach him the true meaning of love and meets Jews who dedicate day and night to hatred of their brethren. He finagles his way into a prison where skinheads pray, goes to the Senate where no Senator seems to be working, experiments with drugs on American streets and ponders the deeper meaning of life with rednecks. He mingles with soldiers who teach him how to invade foreign countries and intellectuals who teach him the beautiful nature of Mother Earth, the goodness of man, and the sadism of the Israeli. The characters he encounters, the adventures he eagerly embraces and the findings of his journey are always unique and often unexpected.

Welcome to the real America, a place you call home but don’t yet know.

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