The Jewish Ethic of Personal Responsibility Vol I (Bereishit, Shmot)
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Tzadeka Mimeni the Biblical theme for personal responsibility Author: Steven Pruzansky Publisher: Gefen Publishing House
Price: $24.95 Special Price: $20.00 Format: Hard Cover ISBN 10: 965229649X ISBN 13: 9789652296498 Catalog Number: 649-8 Number of Pages: 300 Year Published: 2014
Description: Entitlement. It’s today’s buzzword. In a generation that typifies self-absorption and self-gratification, who is in charge? Who is responsible to feed us, clothe us, educate us, find us spouses, jobs and homes, give us health care, defend us, and satisfy all our physical and emotional needs? Who, indeed? The notion of “personal responsibility” sounds so obvious that for generations it was self-understood. It was associated with maturity, reasoned decision making, acceptance of consequences for one’s actions, admissions of guilt and wrongdoing when appropriate, thrift and decency, concern for others and for society at large. But the rise of the entitlement generation has debilitated both the individual and the society; the ethic of personal responsibility needs to be revived for the welfare of both.
This unique book, in the format of essays on each Torah portion, extracts from the Torah itself applications of the Jewish ethic of personal responsibility in areas as diverse as ethics, dating, marriage, parenting, family life, employment, divine service, military service, acts of kindness, repentance, private property ownership, wealth, Torah study, mitzvot, modesty, justice, gratitude, sensitivity, Jewish national life, holiness and more, leaving us with a profound vision for modern man and his search for meaning and happiness. You may also like:
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