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Why American Presidents Have Supported the Jews and Israel Author: Denis Brian Publisher: Gefen Publishing House
Price: $24.95 Special Price: $17.47 Format: Paperback ISBN 10: 9652295981 ISBN 13: 9789652295989 Catalog Number: 598-9 / g598 Number of Pages: 320 Year Published: 2012
Description: The Elected and the Chosen, by Denis Brian, reveals how and why, almost without exception, American presidents sought to protect Jews at home and abroad from their often deadly enemies. It explains why American presidents have admired and befriended Jews, appointed them to powerful positions, and eventually helped them achieve their greatest dream: a return to the country of their forebears and the establishment of a Jewish state in which they were masters of their destiny. Based on once-secret documents and little-known diaries, The Elected and the Chosen discloses, for the first time, the close ties that have bound American presidents and the Jews from the dawn of American history.
In a remarkable and provocative preface for this book, Alan M. Dershowitz, Harvard law professor and acclaimed author of several books on Israel and the Jewish people, writes: I think of myself as quite knowledgeable with regard to Israel and Jewish people, having read quite widely in both fields. I was shocked when I read this book to find out how much I didn’t know.… It is a must-read for all who care about maintaining a crucial alliance so important to both the United States and Israel. You may also like:
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