The Official Gefen Publishing House Website - One Stop Webstore for Jewish Books and Hebrew Studies Textbooks From Israel

The Official Gefen Publishing House Website

Gefen Publishing House 2024
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Tradition and Transition
Tradition and Transition
Price: $20.00 $18.90
Jewish Communities and the Hyper Empowered Individual
Since the advent of modernity, the human cond...
Careful, Beauties Ahead!
Careful, Beauties Ahead!
Price: $29.95 $25.00
My Year With the Ultra-Orthodox
Tuvia Tenenbom, son and grandson of ultra-Ort...
Lamentations  Doorway to Darkness
Lamentations Doorway to Darkness
Price: $18.00 $16.00
Lamentations – a Book Born, Written, and Pres...
Marry A Mensch
Marry A Mensch
Price: $16.95 $15.00
Timeless Jewish Wisdom For Today's Single Woman
Devorah Kigel shares practical priceless p...
And You Shall be a Blessing
And You Shall be a Blessing
Price: $24.95
English translation of the Hebrew Book VeYeheh Beracha

Iconic Jewish Women
Iconic Jewish Women
Price: $29.95 $26.00
Fifty-Nine Inspiring, Courageous, Revolutionary Role Models for Young Girls
The inspiring life stories of fifty-nine rema...
Why Abraham?
Why Abraham?
Price: $19.95 $18.00
Genesis and the Qualifications of the Chosen People
The book of Genesis introduces the Patriarch ...
The Chinitz Zion Haggadah
The Chinitz Zion Haggadah
Price: $29.95 $26.00
How to Teach the Love of Israel at Your Seder.
A traditional Haggadah with modern interpretation

Jewish identity and love for Israel starts in...
The Luck Of A Jew Will Be Great (Hebrew)
The Luck Of A Jew Will Be Great (Hebrew)
Price: $24.95
Ve-itra Mazalo Shel Yehudi

The Wind's Promise
The Wind's Promise
Price: $24.95 $22.00
I’m a daughter to amazing parents. I always k...
A Jewry Reborn
A Jewry Reborn
Price: $29.95 $28.00
A Personal Journey
A Jewry Reborn tells of the Jewish renaissanc...
What We Don’t Know About God and People in the Bible (Exodus)
What We Don’t Know About God and People in the Bible (Exodus)
Price: $19.95 $18.00
Over 400 Examples
The December 13, 2021 edition of The New York...
Heaven and Earth (volume 3)
Heaven and Earth (volume 3)
Price: $29.95 $25.00
A Real-World View of Jewish Life through the Parashah and the Holidays
From his vantage as a physician, Torah-observ...
Tunnel Of Hope
Tunnel Of Hope
Price: $34.95 $31.00
Escape from the Novogrudok Forced Labor Camp
Tunnel of Hope: Escape from the Novogrudok f...
What We Don’t Know About God and People in the Bible (Leviticus)
What We Don’t Know About God and People in the Bible (Leviticus)
Price: $19.95 $18.00
Over 400 Examples
The December 13, 2021 edition of The New York...
What We Don’t Know About God and People in the Bible (Deuteronomy)
What We Don’t Know About God and People in the Bible (Deuteronomy)
Price: $19.95 $18.00
Over 400 Examples
The December 13, 2021 edition of The New York...
What We Don’t Know About God and People in the Bible (Numbers)
What We Don’t Know About God and People in the Bible (Numbers)
Price: $19.95 $18.00
Over 400 Examples
The December 13, 2021 edition of The New York...
Who Was the Prophet Elisha?
Who Was the Prophet Elisha?
Price: $19.95 $18.00
Who Was the Prophet Elisha? compares the prop...
The Lonka Project
The Lonka Project
Price: $65.00
The Power of Life. A Photographic Tribute to the Last Holocaust Survivors Around the World
THE LONKA PROJECT is named after Dr. Lonka (E...