The Official Gefen Publishing House Website - One Stop Webstore for Jewish Books and Hebrew Studies Textbooks From Israel

The Official Gefen Publishing House Website

Personal Memoirs
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The truth and Nothing But the Truth
The truth and Nothing But the Truth
Price: $29.95
Jewish Resistance in Lithuania (1941-1944)
In this, the author’s twelfth book, Faitelson...
Fragments of Memory- New and Revised
Fragments of Memory- New and Revised
Price: $9.95
From Kolin To Jerusalem
Over 16,000 sold. The nineteen haunting but t...
Resistance Fighter
Resistance Fighter
Price: $29.95
Writing in lively tones with a wit that revea...
Victor Kugler
Victor Kugler
Price: $14.95
The Man Who Hid Anne Frank
Of all the personalities associated with Anne...
We Are Still Here
We Are Still Here
Price: $14.95
Memoirs of a Child of Survivors
In this powerful and touching collection of e...
Luck and Chutzpah
Luck and Chutzpah
Price: $19.95 $16.00
Against All Odds
“I suppose you could call me a Holocaust surv...
In the Ruins of Warsaw Streets
In the Ruins of Warsaw Streets
Price: $9.95
In the Ruins of Warsaw Streets is a story of ...
Fragments of Memory (Russian)
Fragments of Memory (Russian)
Price: $9.95 $7.00
Over 16,000 sold. The nineteen haunting but t...
Fragments of Memory (Hebrew)
Fragments of Memory (Hebrew)
Price: $7.95
Over 16,000 sold. The nineteen haunting but t...
Hand in Hand with Tommy
Hand in Hand with Tommy
Price: $14.95
A Jewish woman, young wife, and mother of a s...
Fragments of Memory (German)
Fragments of Memory (German)
Price: $9.95
The German version of Hana Greenfield’s power...
Their Image will be Forever Before My Eyes
Their Image will be Forever Before My Eyes
Price: $10.95
Author Yehudit Ilan grew up in the same neigh...
We Struggled for Life
We Struggled for Life
Price: $18.95
The Hungarian Zionist Youth Resistance During the Nazi Era
The authentic personal account of the activit...
The Children of Buchenwald
The Children of Buchenwald
Price: $21.95 $17.56
Child Survivors of the Holocaust and their Post-War Lives
Some of the survivors of Buchenwald tell thei...
But Some Became Stars
But Some Became Stars
Price: $14.95 $12.00
A moving memoir by a truly remarkable woman. ...
I Shall Not Die!
I Shall Not Die!
Price: $24.95 $20.00
A Personal Memoir
He came penniless to the United States after ...
A Shadow Over My Life
A Shadow Over My Life
Price: $9.95
The turmoil and chaos at the dawn of World Wa...
Stolen Art
Stolen Art
Price: $16.95
The intriguing story of Erich Slomovic, a you...
Shadows in Twilight (Hebrew)
Shadows in Twilight (Hebrew)
Price: $8.95 $8.00
Tzelalim Ba-afeila
The true story of a twelve-year-old Jewish bo...
From Survival To Revival
From Survival To Revival
Price: $29.95
A Memoir of Six Decades in a Changing Jewish World
A captivating testament to Jewish resilience,...
The Jews Secret Fleet (Hebrew)
The Jews Secret Fleet (Hebrew)
Price: $15.95 $8.00
This is the dramatic story of the rescue of J...
Earrings in the Cellar
Earrings in the Cellar
Price: $14.95
Growing Up In Ruined Worlds
One spring morning in the ghetto, my mother, ...
Endless Memories
Endless Memories
Price: $8.95
Endless Memories contains three fascinating s...
In Denmark It Could Not Happen
In Denmark It Could Not Happen
Price: $16.95 $14.00
The Flight of the Jews to Sweden in 1943
A moving narrative about heroes and ethics, s...
Shadows in Twilight
Shadows in Twilight
Price: $8.95
A 1940-1945 Testimony
Shadows in Twilight is the true story of a tw...
Never Again! Yet Again!
Never Again! Yet Again!
Price: $14.95
A Personal Struggle with the Holocaust and Genocide
In this remarkable introduction, Stephen D. S...
Jews' Secret Fleet - revised 2010 Edition
Jews' Secret Fleet - revised 2010 Edition
Price: $25.00
The Untold Story of North American Volunteers who Smashed the British blockade
Now a documentary film. For online purchase c...
Portrait of a Holocaust Child
Portrait of a Holocaust Child
Price: $14.95 $14.10
Memories and Reflections (includes 12 full color painting reproductions)
Portrait is an artistic book which uniquely t...
God, Faith & Identity from the Ashes
God, Faith & Identity from the Ashes
Price: $24.52 $22.00
Reflections of Children and Grandchildren of Holocaust Survivors
Almost ninety children and grandchildren of H...
From the Holocaust to a New Dawn
From the Holocaust to a New Dawn
Price: $24.95
Through tragedy and war and a desire for peac...
From Oswiecm to Auschwitz
From Oswiecm to Auschwitz
Price: $15.00 $12.00
This is Rabbi Moshe Weiss' journey to pos...
Flags Over the Warsaw Ghetto
Flags Over the Warsaw Ghetto
Price: $29.95
The Untold Story of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising has become a symbo...
I Shall Not Die! (Hebrew)
I Shall Not Die! (Hebrew)
Price: $26.95 $25.40
Lo Amut. Sippur Ishi. A Personal Memoir
I Shall Not Die! These four, simple words, ta...
Black Days and Nights
Black Days and Nights
Price: $19.95 $18.40
The Story of My Childhood as a Holocaust Survivor
When Leon was eight years old, his grandfathe...
Price: $30.00 $21.00
Survivors is not just another Holocaust photo...
The Jews Secret Fleet (Hebrew)
The Jews Secret Fleet (Hebrew)
Price: $18.00
HaTzi Hasodi Shel Hayehudim

Child Survivors in the Shadows
Child Survivors in the Shadows
Price: $14.95
Lilo was a child during the Holocaust. Now th...
Endless Memories (Hebrew)
Endless Memories (Hebrew)
Price: $12.95 $12.00
Zichronot La-eyn Keitz
Endless Memories contains three fascinating s...
Defying  the Tide
Defying the Tide
Price: $14.95 $10.90
An Account of Authentic Compassion During the Holocaust
Ruth Abraham and Maria Nickel would never hav...
On Wings of Faith
On Wings of Faith
Price: $29.95 $24.00
Rabbi Eli Fishman began writing about his exp...
Memories of the Night: A Study of the Holocaust (Ebook Edition)
Memories of the Night: A Study of the Holocaust (Ebook Edition)
Price: $11.99
Memories of the Night: Studies of the Holocau...
Five Generations
Five Generations
Price: $14.95 $12.00

Europe in the Eyes of Survivors of the Holocaust
Europe in the Eyes of Survivors of the Holocaust
Price: $70.00 $40.00
In what sense was the European heritage respo...
The Return of Israel
The Return of Israel
Price: $29.95 $24.50
and the hope of the world
The Holocaust, 1944; creation of the State of...
We Dared to Live
We Dared to Live
Price: $16.95
Abrashe Szabrinski used the Yiddish typewrite...
Filling in the Pieces
Filling in the Pieces
Price: $16.95
A Survival Story of the Holocaust
This autobiography is a compelling tale of an...
Love in a World of Sorrow
Love in a World of Sorrow
Price: $14.95 $12.00
A Teenage Girl's Holocaust Memories
This book describes Holocaust reality as we h...
Yearning to Breath Free
Yearning to Breath Free
Price: $29.95
My Parents’ Fight to Reunite during the Holocaust
On February 1, 1940, a thirtythree-year-old J...
Outrage 2000 (Hebrew)
Outrage 2000 (Hebrew)
Price: $16.95 $9.99
Zaam 2000
This is the Hebrew translation of the 2004 bo...
Faith at the Brink (Hebrew)
Faith at the Brink (Hebrew)
Price: $24.00 $20.00
Emuna Al Saf Tehom
In this autobiographical account, the author,...
The Lonka Project
The Lonka Project
Price: $65.00
The Power of Life. A Photographic Tribute to the Last Holocaust Survivors Around the World
THE LONKA PROJECT is named after Dr. Lonka (E...
Tunnel Of Hope
Tunnel Of Hope
Price: $34.95 $31.00
Escape from the Novogrudok Forced Labor Camp
Tunnel of Hope: Escape from the Novogrudok f...
All About Eva
All About Eva
Price: $15.95 $15.20
A Holocaust-Related Memoir, with a Hollywood Twist
Rudy Brook had just passed the German Bar exa...
Who by Fire, Who by Water
Who by Fire, Who by Water
Price: $18.00 $17.86
From the Diary of a Holocaust Survivor
“While I’m writing these words I’m sitting...
Witness to the Dark
Witness to the Dark
Price: $14.95
A Testimony of Survival
As the end of World War II approached, effort...