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The Official Gefen Publishing House Website

Political Commentary
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When and How did the Arabs and Muslims Immigrate to the Land of Israel?  Part 2 1914-1948 (Hebrew)
When and How did the Arabs and Muslims Immigrate to the Land of Israel? Part 2 1914-1948 (Hebrew)
Price: $34.00 $28.00
Eich Higru Haaravim Vehamuslumim Laeretz Yisrael Chelek 2
One of the most commonly repeated claims made...
The Begin-ists (Hebrew)
The Begin-ists (Hebrew)
Price: $32.00 $24.00
Habeginim - Zar-ey Hareka Me-Altelena veAd Hayom

The Last Lecture - the reckoning is not over
The Last Lecture - the reckoning is not over
Price: $18.00 $16.00
Hahartza-a ha-acharona

When and How did the Arabs and Muslims Immigrate to the Land of Israel? Part 1 640-1914 (Hebrew)
When and How did the Arabs and Muslims Immigrate to the Land of Israel? Part 1 640-1914 (Hebrew)
Price: $34.00 $29.95
Eich Higru Haaravim Vehamuslumim Laeretz Yisrael Chelek 1
One of the most commonly repeated claims made...
Death as a Way of Life (Hebrew)
Death as a Way of Life (Hebrew)
Price: $22.00 $19.80
Hamot K'Derech Chaim
This a a collection of published articles in ...
The Begin Code (Hebrew)
The Begin Code (Hebrew)
Price: $32.00 $25.60
Tzafon Begin

Guilt by Accusation (Hebrew)
Guilt by Accusation (Hebrew)
Price: $22.00
Ashma Beshel Haashama The Challenge of Proving Innocence in the Age of #MeToo
The is the official Hebrew translation of the...
HaDerech HaChilonit (Hebrew)
HaDerech HaChilonit (Hebrew)
Price: $32.00 $25.60
HaDerech HaChilonit
Would Theodore Herzl wear a kippah (yarmulke)...
The Declaration of Independence with an Israeli Talmudic Commentary Special 75th Anniversary Abbreviated Edition
The Declaration of Independence with an Israeli Talmudic Commentary Special 75th Anniversary Abbreviated Edition
Price: $36.00 $28.00
Megilat Ha'Atzmaut im Talmud Yisraeli Mekorot Umidrashim, Sifrut Umechkarim

Fateful DNA (Hebrew)
Fateful DNA (Hebrew)
Price: $28.00 $20.00
DNA Gorali

Bibi - My Story (Hebrew)
Bibi - My Story (Hebrew)
Price: $40.00 $28.00
Bibi Sipur Chayay
While in the opposition, Prime Minister Benja...
The Netanyahu Years (Hebrew)
The Netanyahu Years (Hebrew)
Price: $42.00 $38.00
Netanyahu Biographia
Benjamin Netanyahu's years of service as ...
Theodor Herzl: A New Reading (Hebrew)
Theodor Herzl: A New Reading (Hebrew)
Price: $36.00 $30.00
Teodor Herzl Keria Chadasha

Yehuda Harel- A Biography (Hebrew)
Yehuda Harel- A Biography (Hebrew)
Price: $37.00 $32.00
Yehuda Harel- Biographia

The Long Short Road (Hebrew)
The Long Short Road (Hebrew)
Price: $34.00 $28.00
Derech Arukah Ketzarah
Moshe (Boogie) Yaalon is known as Mr. Securit...
The Declaration of Independence with an Israeli Talmudic Commentary
The Declaration of Independence with an Israeli Talmudic Commentary
Price: $60.00 $45.00
Megilat Ha'Atzmaut im Talmud Yisraeli Mekorot Umidrashim, Sifrut Umechkarim

Yisrael Hashnia (Hebrew)
Yisrael Hashnia (Hebrew)
Price: $36.00 $30.00

A New Life in Israel: 1950-1954 (Hebrew)
A New Life in Israel: 1950-1954 (Hebrew)
Price: $32.00 $25.60
Chaim Hadashim

Israel: A Simple Guide to the Most Misunderstood Country on Earth (Hebrew)
Israel: A Simple Guide to the Most Misunderstood Country on Earth (Hebrew)
Price: $32.00 $24.00
Yisrael Hamadrich Hapashut lamedina Hachi lo Muvenet Ba-olam.
