The Official Gefen Publishing House Website - One Stop Webstore for Jewish Books and Hebrew Studies Textbooks From Israel

The Official Gefen Publishing House Website

Gefen Publishing House Rare Books Last Remaining Copies
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Maskilon Volume 1
Maskilon Volume 1
Price: $30.00 $29.10
Hebrew-English Dictionary based on Verb Roots
Maskilon is a dictionary based on verb roots....
The truth and Nothing But the Truth
The truth and Nothing But the Truth
Price: $29.95
Jewish Resistance in Lithuania (1941-1944)
In this, the author’s twelfth book, Faitelson...
Ish Kash (Hebrew)
Ish Kash (Hebrew)
Price: $8.00
The Straw Man
Ish Kash is an exciting educational story abo...
Lotty’s Lace Tablecloth
Lotty’s Lace Tablecloth
Price: $12.95 $8.00
Ages 6-10 Lotty Gross dreams of becoming a...
Purim Goodies
Purim Goodies
Price: $12.95 $10.00
Purim Goodies is a beautifully illustrated ch...
The Jerusalem Book of Quotations
The Jerusalem Book of Quotations
Price: $24.95 $18.00
A 3,000 Year Perspective
Perhaps no other city has been spoken of as...
The Mystery of the Missing Pitom
The Mystery of the Missing Pitom
Price: $12.95 $8.00
After Yosef, his brothers and father built th...
Kippa The Dancing Duck
Kippa The Dancing Duck
Price: $12.95 $8.00
Ari is on his way to Shofarville’s animal tal...
Is God Sad?
Is God Sad?
Price: $14.95 $13.00
In this colorful and creative children’s work...
ESRA’s Meatless Meals
ESRA’s Meatless Meals
Price: $12.95
Ever wonder what to make for the vegetarians ...
Dalet Amot: Halachic Perspectives
Dalet Amot: Halachic Perspectives
Price: $24.95 $22.95
In these clear and concise yet comprehensive ...
Sane in Damascus
Sane in Damascus
Price: $14.95 $11.90
A story of sacrifice and heroism, Sane in Dam...
American Heritage Haggadah
American Heritage Haggadah
Price: $29.95 $29.00
Chronicling the history of Jewish American Pa...
My Husband Bar Kokhba (Hebrew)
My Husband Bar Kokhba (Hebrew)
Price: $16.95
A Historical Novel
An epic story of revolution and drama, My Hus...
Price: $15.95
His Life, Words and Deeds
Whenever the name of Menachem Begin is mentio...
A Townhouse in Jerusalem
A Townhouse in Jerusalem
Price: $19.95 $14.00
The story of an American who grew up in a Jew...
The Kabbalists
The Kabbalists
Price: $12.95 $12.46
Set in Safed in the 16th century, during the ...
The Scout
The Scout
Price: $12.95 $10.00
In an Israeli hospital, two men battle with d...
Chestnuts of Yesteryear
Chestnuts of Yesteryear
Price: $18.00 $16.00
This moving and compelling saga confronts the...
Tallis Ends  And Other Tales
Tallis Ends And Other Tales
Price: $12.95 $12.70
The Cartoon Mishnah Learning Series
Tallis Ends and Other Tales includeds ...
Luck and Chutzpah
Luck and Chutzpah
Price: $19.95 $16.00
Against All Odds
“I suppose you could call me a Holocaust surv...
King of the Road
King of the Road
Price: $24.95 $22.00
From Bergen-Belsen to the Olympic Games
King of the Road is the Autobiography of an I...
Letters to Tsvi
Letters to Tsvi
Price: $9.95
On June 20, 2003, Tsvi Goldstein and his wife...
We Struggled for Life
We Struggled for Life
Price: $18.95
The Hungarian Zionist Youth Resistance During the Nazi Era
The authentic personal account of the activit...
The Children of Buchenwald
The Children of Buchenwald
Price: $21.95 $17.56
Child Survivors of the Holocaust and their Post-War Lives
Some of the survivors of Buchenwald tell thei...
But Some Became Stars
But Some Became Stars
Price: $14.95 $12.00
A moving memoir by a truly remarkable woman. ...
I Shall Not Die!
I Shall Not Die!
Price: $24.95 $20.00
A Personal Memoir
He came penniless to the United States after ...
Surviving Widowhood
Surviving Widowhood
Price: $16.95
It is estimated that nearly 80 percent of mar...
Square Meets Circle
Square Meets Circle
Price: $5.95 $5.00
A sophisticated yet familiar love story for a...
The Mammals of Israel
The Mammals of Israel
Price: $40.00 $32.00
The first comprehensive study of the nearly 1...
To Baghdad and Back
To Baghdad and Back
Price: $29.95 $28.00
The Miraculous 2,000 Year Homecoming of the Iraq Jews
The little known but dramatic story of the 13...
The Pharisees
The Pharisees
Price: $80.00
Preservers of Judaism
After two thousand years of gross misundersta...
Grand Things to Write a Poem On
Grand Things to Write a Poem On
Price: $16.95
A Verse Autobiography of Shmuel Hanagid
From the Jewish Golden Age of medieval Spain,...
A Shadow Over My Life
A Shadow Over My Life
Price: $9.95
The turmoil and chaos at the dawn of World Wa...
Torah Through a Zionist Vision Bereishit  and Shemot
Torah Through a Zionist Vision Bereishit and Shemot
Price: $29.00 $20.00
This is volume one covering Bereshit, Shemot ...
Tales of Nehama
Tales of Nehama
Price: $21.95 $16.00
A Journey into the Life and Teachings of Nehama Leibowitz
Through hundreds of anecdotes and memories, t...
Middos, Manners & Morals with a Twist of Humor
Middos, Manners & Morals with a Twist of Humor
Price: $21.95 $16.00
Read and enjoy Joe Bobker’s uniquely entertai...
Price: $15.95 $12.00
Four generations of strong, dedicated women l...
In the Grip of Bereavement
In the Grip of Bereavement
Price: $18.95 $17.50
An Analysis of Ten Aggadic Legends on Bereavement in the World of the Sages
Our daughter Danit passed away on 17 Mar-C...
The Jewish Revolution
The Jewish Revolution
Price: $21.95
Jewish Statehood
With The Jewish Revolution classical Zionism ...
The Changing Face of Health Systems
The Changing Face of Health Systems
Price: $90.00 $68.00
The Israel National Institute for Health Policy and Health Services Research
Examining recent developments in health polic...
But He Was Good to His Mother (Hebrew)
But He Was Good to His Mother (Hebrew)
Price: $28.00 $27.60
Hagangster Haheyudi Ba-aratzot Habrit
The Lives and Crimes of Jewish Gangsters H...
Strangers No More
Strangers No More
Price: $12.95
One Familys Exceptional Journey
In his new book, Strangers No More: One Famil...
Shadows in Twilight (Hebrew)
Shadows in Twilight (Hebrew)
Price: $8.95 $8.00
Tzelalim Ba-afeila
The true story of a twelve-year-old Jewish bo...
Price: $24.95 $24.20
In the Kastner affair, as it is known, a seem...
Chemical Warfare Medicine
Chemical Warfare Medicine
Price: $95.00 $32.00
Aspects and Perspectives from the Persian Gul...
A Crown for a King
A Crown for a King
Price: $50.00 $40.00
Studies in Jewish Art, History and Archeology
Leading Israeli, American, and European schol...
For the Shabbat Table
For the Shabbat Table
Price: $24.95 $18.00
Utilizing a rich heritage of Jewish tradition...
The Klezmer Bunch
The Klezmer Bunch
Price: $15.95 $12.00
Watch Storyteller and author of Klezmer Bunch...
Shake Heaven and Earth
Shake Heaven and Earth
Price: $24.95 $24.00
Peter Bergson and the Struggle to Rescue the Jews of Europe
The Story told in Shake Heaven and Earth More
Entering Torah
Entering Torah
Price: $29.95 $24.95
Prefaces to the Weekly Torah Portion
For the believing Jew today, no less than for...
Grandfather's Acres
Grandfather's Acres
Price: $19.95 $16.00
A novel that presents a mixed Jewish and gent...
Shabbat and the Modern Kitchen
Shabbat and the Modern Kitchen
Price: $14.95
How does driving, turning on and off lights a...
How the Rosh Hashana Challah Became Round
How the Rosh Hashana Challah Became Round
Price: $7.95 $7.00
New Paperback Edition
For ages 3-8 Yossi’s terrible tumble turn...
Ribbons For Their Hair
Ribbons For Their Hair
Price: $12.95 $10.00
When young Detective Yardena Halpert is assig...
At the Window
At the Window
Price: $10.95
Acclaimed poet, Michel Shore, journeys a grea...
Haazinu (Listen Up)
Haazinu (Listen Up)
Price: $24.95 $20.00
A Book of Prophecy
It started with a group therapy session. It ...
Why I am a Zionist
Why I am a Zionist
Price: $14.95 $14.20
Israel, Jewish Identity and the Challenges of Today
Why I am a Zionist is a penetrating and start...
Soul to Soul
Soul to Soul
Price: $14.95 $14.50
Writings from Dark Places
When she was diagnosed with metastatic breast...
Zionism, Post Zionism and the Arab Problem (Hebrew)
Zionism, Post Zionism and the Arab Problem (Hebrew)
Price: $19.95
Tzionut, Post Tzionut vehaBaaya Haaravit - Osef Mekorot veDeot

Mielec, Poland
Mielec, Poland
Price: $24.95
The Shtetl That Became a Nazi Concentration Camp
This unprecedented book about Mielec, Poland ...
The Hidden and The Revealed
The Hidden and The Revealed
Price: $35.00 $28.00
The Queen Esther Mosaics of Lilian Broca
A stunning art book, but far more. In additio...
The Gaon of Vilna and His Messianic Vision
The Gaon of Vilna and His Messianic Vision
Price: $29.95 $29.00
In 1990 a document was discovered in Poland, ...
The Birth of a Palestinian Nation
The Birth of a Palestinian Nation
Price: $40.00
The Myth of the Deir Yassin Massacre
In the pre-dawn hours of April 9, 1948, men o...
The Modern Menu (HC)
The Modern Menu (HC)
Price: $35.00 $20.00
Last Warehouse Copies of Rare Out of Print Book
For a dynamic presentation of the inside page...
A New Psalm
A New Psalm
Price: $48.00
The Psalms as Literature
Perhaps The most widely read section of the B...
His Right Hand (Hebrew)
His Right Hand (Hebrew)
Price: $20.00 $14.00
Yad Yemino: Biography of Yechile Kadishai, Personal Secretary and Confidant of Menachem Begin
Yad Yemino is the gripping story of Yechiel K...
Letters to an American Jewish Friend A Zionist’s Polemic
Letters to an American Jewish Friend A Zionist’s Polemic
Price: $19.95 $18.00
Hillel Halkin is an American-born Jew who has...
Bambara (Hebrew)
Bambara (Hebrew)
Price: $24.00
In the Footsteps of the Pillar of Fire
Bambara presents a fascinating new theory of ...
Israel, My Home
Israel, My Home
Price: $19.99 $14.00
Israel, My Home is a book about the land of I...
We Dared to Live
We Dared to Live
Price: $16.95
Abrashe Szabrinski used the Yiddish typewrite...
Tractate Middot Variant Readings for Chapters 1 and 2
Tractate Middot Variant Readings for Chapters 1 and 2
Price: $75.00 $64.00
Presented as a novel form as a transcript of manuscripts and early printed texts.
This is part of the The Temple of Jerusalem s...
Between the Physician and Patient
Between the Physician and Patient
Price: $19.95
Issues in Medical Writing
Hundreds of thousands of medical documents ar...
The Orchard
The Orchard
Price: $24.95
Hapardes Shel Akiva in English
The Orchard by Yochi Brandes is as of 1 July ...
My China
My China
Price: $24.95 $22.00
Jewish Life in the Orient 1900-1950
To escape anti-Semitism in revolutionary Russ...
Outrage 2000 (Hebrew)
Outrage 2000 (Hebrew)
Price: $16.95 $9.99
Zaam 2000
This is the Hebrew translation of the 2004 bo...
The Sidrot
The Sidrot
Price: $24.00 $18.00
Insights into the Weekly Torah Readings
This is a vintage book is from the early days...
Grandma Shulamit and the Giant Radish (Hebrew)
Grandma Shulamit and the Giant Radish (Hebrew)
Price: $18.00 $16.00
Savta Shulamit Vehatzenunit

What? Again those Jews!
What? Again those Jews!
Price: $14.95 $14.89
What? Again those Jews! is a collection of pe...