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Talmud Research Studies
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Introductions to Sources and Traditions Studies in the Formation of the Talmud (Hebrew)
Introductions to Sources and Traditions Studies in the Formation of the Talmud (Hebrew)
Price: $33.00 $31.95
Mevo-ot LaMekorot Umesorot Iyunim Behithvvut HatalmudStudies in the Formation of the Talmud
The standard study of Talmud is to accept the...
Sources and Traditions  A Source Critical Commentary on the Talmud Tractate Baba  Metzia (Hebrew)
Sources and Traditions A Source Critical Commentary on the Talmud Tractate Baba Metzia (Hebrew)
Price: $45.50
Mekorot Umesorot Biurim BaTalmud Masechet Baba Metzia

The Terminology of the Jerusalem Talmud: The Principal Terms (Hebrew)
The Terminology of the Jerusalem Talmud: The Principal Terms (Hebrew)
Price: $49.00 $48.00
Haterminologia Shel HaYerushalmi
The Talmud Yerushalmi is one of the most enig...
The Sages (Hebrew)
The Sages (Hebrew)
Price: $60.00 $42.00
Chazal - Pierkey Emunah Vedeot

Sources and Traditions A Source Critical Commentary on the Talmud Tractate Baba Batra (Hebrew)
Sources and Traditions A Source Critical Commentary on the Talmud Tractate Baba Batra (Hebrew)
Price: $49.13
Mekorot Umesorot Biurim BaTalmud Masechet Baba Batra

Mehqarei Talmud III
Mehqarei Talmud III
Price: $91.00
Talmudic Studies Dedicated to the Memory of Prof. Ephraim E. Urbach (Hebrew)

Mipney Tikkun Olam (Hebrew) Commentary
Mipney Tikkun Olam (Hebrew) Commentary
Price: $48.00 $36.00
Talmud Bavli Masechet Gitin. Perek Revi'i
The Babylonian Talmud is the Jewish compositi...