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Other RCA / YU Affiliate Rabbis in Print
The RCA (Rabbinic Council of America) includes rabbis who have been ordained by many dozens of yeshivot and prominent rabbinic personalities. During its many decades, it has been led by outstanding rabbinic personalities. Most notable and distinguished was the late Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, guiding spirit and mentor to the RCA until his death in 1993. Gefen is proud to publish and distribute RCA Affiliated rabbis.
Other RCA / YU Affiliate Rabbis in Print
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Food for the Spirit
Food for the Spirit
Price: $24.95 $22.00
Inspirational Lessons from the Yom Kippur Service
Inspirational Lessons from the Yom Kippur Ser...
Mysteries of Judaism
Mysteries of Judaism
Price: $18.00
Judaism today is radically different from the...
Unlocking the Torah Text Bereishit
Unlocking the Torah Text Bereishit
Price: $29.95
An In-depth Journey into the Weekly Parsha
Unlocking the Torah Text provides an in-depth...
The Poetry of Prayer
The Poetry of Prayer
Price: $26.95 $26.10
Tehillim in Tefillah
Often we find it difficult to concentrate on ...
The Jewish Ethic of Personal Responsibility Vol I (Bereishit, Shmot)
The Jewish Ethic of Personal Responsibility Vol I (Bereishit, Shmot)
Price: $24.95 $20.00
Tzadeka Mimeni the Biblical theme for personal responsibility
Entitlement. It’s today’s buzzword. In a gene...
Nachmanides: An Unusual Thinker
Nachmanides: An Unusual Thinker
Price: $24.95 $19.96
Nachmanides was and still is a highly respect...
From Washington Avenue to Washington Street
From Washington Avenue to Washington Street
Price: $29.95 $28.00
From Rabbi Aaron Rakeffet, respected Torah sc...
Unlocking the Torah Text Shmot (Exodus)
Unlocking the Torah Text Shmot (Exodus)
Price: $29.95
An In-depth Journey into the Weekly Parsha
Unlocking the Torah Text provides an in-depth...
Unlocking the Torah Text Vayikra (Leviticus)
Unlocking the Torah Text Vayikra (Leviticus)
Price: $29.95
An In-depth Journey into the Weekly Parsha
Unlocking the Torah Text provides an in-depth...
Unlocking the Torah Text Numbers Bamidbar
Unlocking the Torah Text Numbers Bamidbar
Price: $29.95
An In-depth Journey into the Weekly Parsha
This is the Numbers, or Bamidbar volume, four...
The Jewish Ethic of Personal Responsibility Volume 2
The Jewish Ethic of Personal Responsibility Volume 2
Price: $24.95 $19.96
Tzadka Mimeni: Vayikra, Bamidbar and Devarim
The notion of “personal responsibility” has l...
Mysteries of Judaism IV
Mysteries of Judaism IV
Price: $19.95
Over 100 Mistaken Ideas about G-d and the Bible
The Bible has a style that most people do not...
Echoes of Eden Sefer Bamidbar
Echoes of Eden Sefer Bamidbar
Price: $29.95 $24.95
Spies, Subversives and Other Scoundrels
This is the fourth in a five-volume Me'or...
Echoes of Eden Sefer Devarim
Echoes of Eden Sefer Devarim
Price: $29.95 $24.95
Echoes of Sinai
This is the fifth and final volume in the fiv...
Unlocking the Torah Text Devarim (Deuteronomy)
Unlocking the Torah Text Devarim (Deuteronomy)
Price: $29.95
An In-depth Journey into the Weekly Parsha
Unlocking the Torah Text provides an in-depth...
Echoes of Eden Sefer Vayikra
Echoes of Eden Sefer Vayikra
Price: $29.95 $24.95
In Search of Holiness
We strive for holiness, but the quest is so e...
Unlocking the Haggada
Unlocking the Haggada
Price: $29.95 $24.00
The Complete Haggada With In-Depth Commentary
Why another Haggada? Rabbi Shmuel Goldin, for...
Unlocking the Torah Text Five Volume Boxed Set
Unlocking the Torah Text Five Volume Boxed Set
Price: $150.00 $135.00
An In-depth Journey into the Weekly Parsha
Unlocking the Torah Text provides an in-depth...
Echoes of Eden 5 Volume Set
Echoes of Eden 5 Volume Set
Price: $110.00
Five Volume Me'orei Ha'Aish Seies
Drawing upon the vast reservoir of rabbinic l...
Echoes of Eden - Sefer Bereishit
Echoes of Eden - Sefer Bereishit
Price: $29.95 $24.95
Insights into the weekly Torah parshiot
What was the pre-sin world like, and what is ...
Echoes of Eden - Sefer Shmot
Echoes of Eden - Sefer Shmot
Price: $29.95 $24.95
Sefer Shmot
Parsha Book. 2nd in Series Me'orei Ha...