The Official Gefen Publishing House Website - One Stop Webstore for Jewish Books and Hebrew Studies Textbooks From Israel

The Official Gefen Publishing House Website

Social Sciences
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Language, Identity and Immigration
Language, Identity and Immigration
Price: $29.70
Essays in Honor of Elite Olshtain
An important feature of this book on Language...
The Business of Settlement
The Business of Settlement
Price: $67.60
Private Entrepreneurship in the Jewish Settlement of Palestine, 1900–1914
This work reveals the role, contribution and ...
Parents Making a Difference
Parents Making a Difference
Price: $39.70
International Research on the Home Instruction for Parents of PreSchool Youngsters (HIPPY) Program
Parents Making a Difference is part of the Ne...
Europe in the Eyes of Survivors of the Holocaust
Europe in the Eyes of Survivors of the Holocaust
Price: $70.00 $40.00
In what sense was the European heritage respo...
Meeting the Challenges of a Changing Society
Meeting the Challenges of a Changing Society
Price: $61.40
Fifty Years of Social Work In Israel
For this book fifteen authors, each an expert...
Career Your Passion
Career Your Passion
Price: $18.95 $18.15
On Love, Family Genes and Calling
During the journey of our professional lives,...
Baseless Hatred (pb)
Baseless Hatred (pb)
Price: $18.00
What It Is and What You Can Do about It
What is hatred? What is baseless hatred? And ...
The Changing Face of Health Systems
The Changing Face of Health Systems
Price: $90.00 $68.00
The Israel National Institute for Health Policy and Health Services Research
Examining recent developments in health polic...
Ethiopian Exodus
Ethiopian Exodus
Price: $18.95
This book describes the process of immigratio...
Studies on Palestine during the Ottoman Period
Studies on Palestine during the Ottoman Period
Price: $48.30
The first comprehensive book on Palestine dur...
Social Aspects of Guerilla and Anti-Guerilla Warfare
Social Aspects of Guerilla and Anti-Guerilla Warfare
Price: $11.50
The focus of these Studies in Comparative Mod...
Meeting of Cultures and Clash of Cultures
Meeting of Cultures and Clash of Cultures
Price: $44.20
Adult Education in Multicultural Societies
Proceedings of an international conference, h...
Soviet Camp Speech
Soviet Camp Speech
Price: $38.50
Soviet camp speech is as old as the camps the...
Countering Suicide Terrorism
Countering Suicide Terrorism
Price: $32.00
An International Conference
The only published volume to explain the issu...
Psychiatric and Behavioral Disorders In Israel
Psychiatric and Behavioral Disorders In Israel
Price: $40.00 $38.00
From Epidemiology to Mental Health Action
This book is published with the support of th...