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A native of Dayton, Ohio, Moshe David Kuhr attended Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim in Baltimore and attained his medical degree from the University of Chicago. After forty years of pediatric practice, he made aliya with his wife Phyllis to Katamon, Jerusalem, where he learns, teaches and writes. His Torah mentors include Rabbis Boruch Milikovsky z”l, Berel Wein, Moshe Tendler, Avraham Pessin z”l, Yaakov Haber and more recently Yitzchak Breitowitz. His published works include The Lion Cub of Prague: Genesis, (Devora Press, 2006), a rendition of Maharal’s supercommentary on the first book of the Torah, and Igeret Hakodesh: The
Holy Letter(Mosaica Press, 2011).

The Kuhrs have four sons, three of whom have made aliya, and nine grandchildren, seven of whom live in Israel.

Titles By Moshe David  Kuhr    Order By:

The Lion Cub of Prague Exodus and Leviticus)
The Lion Cub of Prague Exodus and Leviticus)
Price: $21.95 $20.00
Thought, Kabbalah and Hashkafa from Gur Aryeh, the Maharal of Prague
Rabbi Yehuda Loewe [1512–1607], known as Maha...
The Lion Cub of Prague: Genesis
The Lion Cub of Prague: Genesis
Price: $24.95 $22.00
Thought, Kabbalah and Hashkafa from Gur Aryeh, the Maharal of Prague
Rabbi Yehuda Loewe [1512–1607], known as Maha...
Lion Cub of Prague: 3 Volume Set
Lion Cub of Prague: 3 Volume Set
Price: $55.00 $53.98
Thought, Kabbalah and Hashkafa from Gur Aryeh, the Maharal of Prague

The Lion Cub of Prague: Numbers and Deuteronomy
The Lion Cub of Prague: Numbers and Deuteronomy
Price: $21.95 $20.00
Thought, Kabbalah and Hashkafa from Gur Aryeh, the Maharal of Prague
Rabbi Yehuda Loewe [1512–1607], known as Maha...