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The Official Gefen Publishing House Website

Evelyn Chenkin (nee Freedman) was born in London. Writing and a devotion to the Jewish people have always been important components of Evelyn’s life. In 1946 Evelyn was sent on a secret mission to France to help in the search for hidden Jewish children, which she later documented in a book entitled Gathering the Remnants. In 1948 she returned to London, married Eric Chenkin and had three children. She began writing for children, educating them through adventure stories to gain an interest in Israel and their heritage. Her many stories, including her book Dina and Dov’s Adventures in Israel, were translated into many languages and read by children worldwide. Throughout the years Evelyn has been active on behalf of Jewish Zionist and communal organizations in Great Britain. In 1983 Evelyn and her husband joined their two daughters in Israel. There, as chairman of the Liaison Committee of English-Speaking Groups, she brought into WIZO immigrants from all English-speaking countries. Living in Israel inspired Evelyn to channel her enthusiastic love of people, places, nature and Israel into writing verse – Just for You.

Contact information: Kibbutz Tzora D.N. Shimshon 99803

1.Dina and Dov's Adventures in Israel Throughout the Jewish Year Published by the J.N.F in 1975 and second edition 1977.
2. I was editor of the Junior Review W.I.Z.O UK from 1967 to 1983.
3. Gathering the Remnants published by DocoStory in 1999.
This I did when I was unmarried and called Evelyn Freedman.
4. Just for You . A collection of poems published by Gefen in 2010.
Topics to speak about: I prefer to concentrate my efforts on promoting the book of poetry.
This can be done with the addition of renditions of a few of my poems that have been put to music if requested.

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