To Succeed in Hebrew Expression, Grammar and Composition
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Lehatzliach Be-ivrit be-Habaa be-Lashon uva-ketuva Author: Meira Maadia Price: $42.00 Special Price: $40.00 Format: Paperback ISBN 10: 9657493129 ISBN 13: 9789657493120 Catalog Number: g312 / D-777-11 Number of Pages: 152
Description: The book To Succeed in Hebrew Expression, Grammar and Composition brings students to a high level in Hebrew. Drilling in the book improves the student’s ability to express himself/ herself orally and in writing and improves his language and grammar skills. The drills appear in three areas of skill: speaking skill, language skill and writing skill. The book is divided into three sections: oral expression, language drills and writing drills. Oral expression- includes speaking activities and expressions in natural situations from every day life: apologizing, requesting, complaining and inviting. Language drills- includes drills on verbs and syntaxes as well as use of prepositions. The drills are built up gradually- from the easiest level up to the highest of levels. The language drills improve the language from the lingual-grammatical aspect. Writing drills- includes writing notes, official letters, announcements, notices and subjects for writing. They improve the student’s ability to express himself/ herself in writing, drill functional writing skills and ensure the acquirement of the language in perfection. This also improves communicative talents- the highest goal of language instruction. At the end of the book there are texts about Jewish holidays, accompanied by drills on reading comprehension. You may also like:
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