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When and How did the Arabs and Muslims Immigrate to the Land of Israel? Part 1 640-1914 (Hebrew)
When and How did the Arabs and Muslims Immigrate to the Land of Israel? Part 1 640-1914 (Hebrew)
Eich Higru Haaravim Vehamuslumim Laeretz Yisrael Chelek 1
Author: Rivka Shpak Lissak
Price: $34.00 
Special Price: $29.95
ISBN 13: 9789655647679
Year Published: 2018

One of the most commonly repeated claims made by spokesmen of Arabs from Judea and Samaria is the claim that they have been connected to the Land for many generations, but new research by Dr. Rivka Shpak-Lissak shows that this is not true at all.

The research, which is included in its totality in her book When and How did the Arabs and Muslims Immigrate to the Land of Israel (Yediot Aharonot Press), reveals how the regime of the British Mandate brought about the flow of hundreds of thousands of Arabs to the Land of Israel. This occurred despite the fact that the purpose of the Mandate was to establish a national home for the Jewish People in the Land of Israel.

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