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Author: Israel Drazin Publisher: Gefen Publishing House
Price: $24.95 Special Price: $18.00 Format: Hard Cover ISBN 10: 9652298859 ISBN 13: 9789652298850 Catalog Number: 9789652298850 g885a / 885-0 Number of Pages: 200 Year Published: 2016
Description: This fifth volume of the Unusual Bible Interpretations series explores the books of Jonah and Amos.
The books of these two prophets are filled with obscurities, generating hundreds of questions, which have provoked misunderstandings and made it difficult to understand the prophets intentions. Noted biblical scholar Dr. Israel Drazin has prepared new translations of Jonah and Amos, included an extensive easy-to-read commentary, and related eye-opening discourses through which he uncovers and explores the books ambiguities:
-Is the story of Jonah true, or a parable? What is the significance of Jonah being saved by a large fish, and why was a miracle even necessary? Why does the word repentance, which many assume to be the message of the book, not appear in it even once?
-Amos prophesies to the Israelites that the Ethiopians are as loved by God as God loves the Israelites. He states that God performed miracles for other nations comparable to the exodus from Egypt. What is he teaching?
Citing dozens of sources as well as his own views, in a clear and logical manner, the author presents a compelling case for a new understanding of Jonah and Amos, and moreover, that contrary to popular assumption the message of these prophets is that God is interested in the proper treatment of our fellow man above all other forms of worship, even sacrifices, festivals, and prayers. You may also like:
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