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The Princess of Dan: A Novel About Redemption
The Princess of Dan: A Novel About Redemption

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Author: Nechama Sarah Gila Nadborny Burgeman
Price: $28.95
Format: Paperback
ISBN 10: 1940516064
ISBN 13: 9781940516066
Catalog Number: 9781940516066
Number of Pages: 424
Year Published: 2014

The Princess of Dan is a journey of self redemption. One of the two main characters, Danya, is a young woman who lives in Israel at a future time, when the Third Temple has been built. She leads a life that celebrates the gift of redemption. Sarah, the other main character, is a child of the 60's struggling through geographical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual exile. She finally arrives in the Land of Israel. As Danya and Sarah's relationship becomes evident, the line between exile and redemption fades as Sarah finds her own personal redemption.
Our personal and collective redemption requires an inner journey towards the Source of our unity. Redemption is a transformation from our world of mirrors and self-projections to a world of truth and clarity. As we work through our personal stories, we share in the revelation that we really are all facets of one collective soul. True healing occurs when each person fulfills a unique role in expressing the light and love of this truth. Personal redemption is wholeness reclaimed. There is no more inside and outside, hidden and exposed, or mirrors and self projections confusing one s journey. There are no more battles between the higher self and the lower self, the Divine soul and the animal soul, the injured child and the conscious adult. Rather, our point of reference is pure essence. We transcend inappropriate scenarios of this world as we reclaim ourselves from our personal stories. As each person s identity merges with the Divine love, the life pulse of all creation, we are redeemed.

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