The Official Gefen Publishing House Website - One Stop Webstore for Jewish Books and Hebrew Studies Textbooks From Israel

The Official Gefen Publishing House Website

This category contains Hebrew-English Bibles, Weekly Torah Portion or Parshat Hashavua single volume and multi volume anthologies, thematic commentaries based on traditional Jewish and Rabbinic traditions.
Bible With English Translation and Commentary
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Who Really Was the Biblical Elijah?
Who Really Was the Biblical Elijah?
Price: $18.00 $15.00
Dr. Israel Drazin reveals fascinating informa...
Maimonides: and the Biblical Prophets
Maimonides: and the Biblical Prophets
Price: $29.95 $24.95
This engaging and informative book reveals un...
Judges for Our Time
Judges for Our Time
Price: $18.00 $15.95
Contemporary Lessons from the Book of Shoftim
In its accounts of victories and defeats, con...
Entering Torah
Entering Torah
Price: $29.95 $24.95
Prefaces to the Weekly Torah Portion
For the believing Jew today, no less than for...
Bible Illuminations (Not the Complete Torah Text. Text of Illuminated Passages Only)
Bible Illuminations (Not the Complete Torah Text. Text of Illuminated Passages Only)
Price: $40.00 $29.95
From Creation Until Moses
Bible Ornamented Illuminations, by Professor ...
The Song of Songs: A Woman in Love
The Song of Songs: A Woman in Love
Price: $17.95 $12.00
A love poem as old as the Bible, as contempor...
The Poetry of Prayer
The Poetry of Prayer
Price: $26.95 $26.10
Tehillim in Tefillah
Often we find it difficult to concentrate on ...
Onkelos On the Torah Boxed Set
Onkelos On the Torah Boxed Set
Price: $200.00 $160.00
Understanding the Bible Text 5 volume set
The legendary Onkelos translated the Hebrew B...
Unlocking the Torah Text Five Volume Boxed Set
Unlocking the Torah Text Five Volume Boxed Set
Price: $150.00 $135.00
An In-depth Journey into the Weekly Parsha
Unlocking the Torah Text provides an in-depth...
Very Near to You
Very Near to You
Price: $30.00 $21.00
Human Readings of the Torah
Turn the Torah over and over again, the ancie...
The Fire and the Cloud
The Fire and the Cloud
Price: $17.95 $16.00
Contemporary Reflections on the Weekly Torah Reading
In this beautiful and lucid translation of th...
Echoes of Eden - Sefer Bereishit
Echoes of Eden - Sefer Bereishit
Price: $29.95 $24.95
Insights into the weekly Torah parshiot
What was the pre-sin world like, and what is ...
Truths Desired by God
Truths Desired by God
Price: $29.95 $28.15
An Excursion into the Weekly Haftarah
With the mounting interest in traditional Jew...
Twenty Festival Sermons (1897-1902)
Twenty Festival Sermons (1897-1902)
Price: $18.95 $18.20
In the year 1897, Isaac Rosenberg accepted th...
Unusual Bible Interpretations: Jonah and Amos
Unusual Bible Interpretations: Jonah and Amos
Price: $24.95 $18.00
This fifth volume of the Unusual Bible Interp...
Bringing Prophets to Life
Bringing Prophets to Life
Price: $22.95
A Timely Look at a Timeless Story
In Bringing the Prophets to Life, Rabbi Neil ...
The Hidden and The Revealed
The Hidden and The Revealed
Price: $35.00 $28.00
The Queen Esther Mosaics of Lilian Broca
A stunning art book, but far more. In additio...
The Lion Cub of Prague Exodus and Leviticus)
The Lion Cub of Prague Exodus and Leviticus)
Price: $21.95 $20.00
Thought, Kabbalah and Hashkafa from Gur Aryeh, the Maharal of Prague
Rabbi Yehuda Loewe [1512–1607], known as Maha...
Echoes of Eden - Sefer Shmot
Echoes of Eden - Sefer Shmot
Price: $29.95 $24.95
Sefer Shmot
Parsha Book. 2nd in Series Me'orei Ha...
Unlocking the Torah Text Numbers Bamidbar
Unlocking the Torah Text Numbers Bamidbar
Price: $29.95
An In-depth Journey into the Weekly Parsha
This is the Numbers, or Bamidbar volume, four...
Echoes of Eden Sefer Vayikra
Echoes of Eden Sefer Vayikra
Price: $29.95 $24.95
In Search of Holiness
We strive for holiness, but the quest is so e...
Echoes of Eden Sefer Bamidbar
Echoes of Eden Sefer Bamidbar
Price: $29.95 $24.95
Spies, Subversives and Other Scoundrels
This is the fourth in a five-volume Me'or...
A New Psalm
A New Psalm
Price: $48.00
The Psalms as Literature
Perhaps The most widely read section of the B...
Echoes of Eden 5 Volume Set
Echoes of Eden 5 Volume Set
Price: $110.00
Five Volume Me'orei Ha'Aish Seies
Drawing upon the vast reservoir of rabbinic l...
Unusual Bible Interpretations: Five Books of Moses
Unusual Bible Interpretations: Five Books of Moses
Price: $24.95 $18.00
Most people know little about the Hebrew Bibl...
Unusual Bible Interpretations: Joshua
Unusual Bible Interpretations: Joshua
Price: $24.95 $18.00
This second volume of the Unusual Bible Inter...
Unusual Bible Interpretations:  Judges
Unusual Bible Interpretations: Judges
Price: $24.95 $18.00
This book offers readers surprising eye-openi...
Lion Cub of Prague: 3 Volume Set
Lion Cub of Prague: 3 Volume Set
Price: $55.00 $53.98
Thought, Kabbalah and Hashkafa from Gur Aryeh, the Maharal of Prague

Echoes of Eden Sefer Devarim
Echoes of Eden Sefer Devarim
Price: $29.95 $24.95
Echoes of Sinai
This is the fifth and final volume in the fiv...
Unusual Bible Interpretations: Hosea
Unusual Bible Interpretations: Hosea
Price: $24.95 $18.00
The prophet Hosea discusses topics that stand...
The Lion Cub of Prague: Numbers and Deuteronomy
The Lion Cub of Prague: Numbers and Deuteronomy
Price: $21.95 $20.00
Thought, Kabbalah and Hashkafa from Gur Aryeh, the Maharal of Prague
Rabbi Yehuda Loewe [1512–1607], known as Maha...
Unusual Bible Interpretations: Ruth, Esther and Judith
Unusual Bible Interpretations: Ruth, Esther and Judith
Price: $24.95 $18.00
This fourth volume of the Unusual Bible Inter...
The Authentic King Solomon
The Authentic King Solomon
Price: $24.95 $19.96
A Close Examination of Biblical Verses
King Solomon is famous for his wisdom. Howeve...
The Tragedies of King David
The Tragedies of King David
Price: $24.95 $19.96
A close emamination of the Biblical verses
In this volume of the popular Rational Series...
Unlocking the Torah Text Devarim (Deuteronomy)
Unlocking the Torah Text Devarim (Deuteronomy)
Price: $29.95
An In-depth Journey into the Weekly Parsha
Unlocking the Torah Text provides an in-depth...
Song of Riddles
Song of Riddles
Price: $19.95
Deciphering the Song of Songs
Song of Riddles is an inquiry into the meanin...
Heaven and Earth (2 volume boxed set)
Heaven and Earth (2 volume boxed set)
Price: $50.00 $45.00
A Real-World View of Jewish Life through the Parashah and the Holidays
From his vantage as a physician, Torah-observ...
Kohelet's Pursuit of Truth
Kohelet's Pursuit of Truth
Price: $18.00
A New Reading of Ecclesiastes
Ecclesiastes is “the greatest single piece of...
Daat Mikra The Book of Job  (English)
Daat Mikra The Book of Job (English)
Price: $60.00 $52.00
Daat Mikra Sefer Iyov (Anglit)
The Jerusalem Commentary, which is an English...
The Measure for Measure Haggadah
The Measure for Measure Haggadah
Price: $48.00 $39.00
Including Halachic rulings and customs of Maran HaGaon
An extensive collection and study of the sayi...
Through the Prism
Through the Prism
Price: $24.95 $19.95
Refractions and Reflections on Bereishit
Sefer Bereishit — the Book of Genesis—relates...
The Book Of Samuel - Part 1
The Book Of Samuel - Part 1
Price: $40.00 $32.00
Studies in History, Historiography, Theology and Poetics Combined

The Bible Proverbs Da'at Mikra (English)
The Bible Proverbs Da'at Mikra (English)
Price: $50.00 $48.00
With The Jerusalem Commentary
The Jerusalem Commentary, which is an English...