The biblical exodus from Egypt is a historical event and as participants in the Seder we are meant fell as if we ourselves are experience this history. For this reason many Haggadot are thematically based on the history of our own times. We feel a part of the Seder as the parallels between what happened than and what is happenig now become clear to us.
The Generations Haggadah Price: $39.95 $29.25 Time Line from Exodus to establishment of the modern Israel With a Time Line from the Exodus to the estab...
Pictures Tell. A Passover Haggadah Price: $24.95 $19.96 With photographs from around the Jewish World “Zion Ozeri, who has spent many decades do...
The Chinitz Zion Haggadah Price: $29.95 $26.00 How to Teach the Love of Israel at Your Seder. A traditional Haggadah with modern interpretation Jewish identity and love for Israel starts in...