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Rabbi Dr. Nachum Amsel is the Director of Education at Rabbi Berel Wein’s Destiny Foundation, whose mission is to bring Jewish history to life in an exciting, entertaining and interactive way. Rabbi Amsel has been a teacher, a school principal, has taught in university, and has also taught more than three thousand teachers how to teach more effectively. He founded the Student Torah Alliance for Russian Speakers. He previously served as the Educational Director of Hillel in the Former Soviet Union. He currently releases two weekly podcasts “WHAT DOES JUDAISM SAY ABOUT…?” which explain Judaism’s traditional approach to the moral, ethical issues and challenges of living in the twenty first century. He lives in Jerusalem, where he has four children and four grandchildren.

Titles By Nachum  Amsel    Order By:

Jewish Values in the Torah Portion
Jewish Values in the Torah Portion
Price: $24.95 $23.00
MOST OF THE TOMES WRITTEN on the weekly Torah...